My ASP.NET Web Form has a RadTabStrip with 3 different tabs. The first tab has the username and password, the second tab has the permissions, and the third tab has the clients. The username and password have RequiredFieldValidators on them.
I have noticed that whenever I go from one tab to another, the Windows TextBox Control txtPassword's Text field is getting reset, causing the page to not validate whenever tabs 2 or 3 are shown.
I created a hack to fix this:
Protected Sub RadTabStrip1_ClientTabSelecting(sender As Object, e As RadTabStripEventArgs) Handles RadTabStrip1.TabClick
If Me.IsValid() Then
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPassword.Text) Then
ViewState("password") = txtPassword.Text
End If
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPassword.Text) Then
txtPassword.Text = ViewState("password")
End If
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtConfirmPassword.Text) Then
txtConfirmPassword.Text = ViewState("password")
End If
If Not IsValid() Then
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
RadTabStrip1.SelectedIndex = 0
RadMultiPage1.SelectedIndex = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
I do not like storing their password in the ViewState, but it works.
The Submit button is on the bottom of the page, contained within a RadToolBar.
Protected Sub RadToolBar1_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarEventArgs) Handles RadToolBar1.ButtonClick
Dim rb As Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton = e.Item
Dim clientList As List(Of Client) = ViewState("MyClientList")
If rb.CommandName = "Save" Then
There is a breakpoint on that line of code, but Validation fails before that code is reached.
By this point, my customers are on Tab 3, and they have no way to tell that the txtPassword control has had their input deleted on Tab 1.
Has anyone ever experienced a Windows Control like this password getting cleared whenever the RadTabStrip Index changes?
How do I fix this?
I am able to drag and drop a message from old Outlook into Telerik File Explorer, but I can not do that in new Outlook. I am not sure if Telerik File Explore support that. And does Telerik File Explore support copy paste out look messages.
Hello! This is my first time using a RadEditor. I've figured out a lot of the settings.
However, I am still having problems with the HTML edit mode. The content is surrounded by a too narrow border/container. When entering large amounts of text, it wraps and is hard to read. Is there any way to remove this border/container, or make it wider, so that the whole width of the RadEditor is available for HTML content?
It seems that something has changed on the PostbackUrl behavior of the RadButton. When we click, there is no navigation to the PostbackUrl.
This leads to big issues in running applications.
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone, I'm using Telerik UI, and when I'm on a mobile view with the content editor, and then I select the image gallery, it doesn't seem to be responsive, or its just too wide for the phone screen. Is there some way to force that image manager to be the correct size? Or is that even possible?
Dear Technical Team,
I have installed Telerik UI for ASP.NET Ajax. I need to change my skin from Hay to Vista or Other.
I checked in following path, only one file Vista.gif is available. and I am not getting file select-hover.png. so combobox not looking good.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2022\Skins\Vista\ComboBox
Skin are not working properly then I checked there are not available png image of controls folde.
Kindly Provide me to download all skins controls png or other format images to show proper control on web page.
Hi Telerik Team,
I would like to know if it is possible to make the context menu visible for a newly created table in the RadEditor. Currently, the context menu is only visible for tables that are explicitly "accepted as changes." Is there a way to enable the context menu for newly created tables without requiring them to be accepted as changes first?
I have a Telerik rad grid which populates data, one of the columns is date and is in format of DD-MMM-YY.
when I click on the header of the column to sort, it doesnt sort it correct in ascending date or descending order. Im assuming its because of the format as the month is a string.
Can anyone advise how to get it to sort correctly please?