I have checked the paste functionalities in your demo webforms editor page: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx
However, I don't see there's a Paste from PDF functionality. It would be great if you can treat this as a feature request for your webforms editor.
I am facing a new issue that seems to be connected to my previous ticket (Bug Report ID:1676729 - Unexpected New Line Insertion When Pressing Enter After Making Text Bold in Telerik Rad Editor), regarding overriding the setCursor method in the InsertParagraphCommand.
After applying the suggested workaround to override the setCursor method, I've encountered a new issue: when typing text in the RadEditor and pressing Enter, the cursor does not immediately move to the next line. It requires pressing Enter twice for the cursor to move.
Could you please assist in resolving this issue.
Thank you for your continued support.
I have a datatable in memory that I would like to display in a telerik:RadSpreadsheet. I know I can iterate through the datatable and build a sheet to display.
I'm trying to figure out how to use the DataTableFormatProvider to load the datatable in one shot. I found examples of how to do with the Telerik.Windows.Documents spreadsheet, but how do I do it with the RadSpreadsheet model?
I used the Telerik Theme Builder to create several themes based on Bootstrap. They work great with all the controls I've tested so far except for the Editor.
In the Editor, the Color Pickers for text work, but when you go into the table wizard, the Color Picker as well as Alignment, Back Color, and CSS Class have transparent backgrounds, so I'm missing some styles.
The Editor has:
EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" ExternalDialogsPath="~/EditorDialogs" RenderMode="auto" ContentAreaMode="Iframe" DialogHandlerUrl="~/Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.axd">
Code Behind calls a function to get the correct theme:
Dim DialogPath As String = SetEditorDialogCss.DialogSkinCSS radeditorpagetext.DialogsCssFile = DialogPath.ToString radeditorpagetext.TableLayoutCssFile = DialogPath.ToString
Return "/site/theme1.css"
theme1.css contains:
@import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Button.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Card.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/ColorPicker.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/ComboBox.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/DataForm.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Dock.Bootstrap.css"); @import url('/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/DropdownGrid.MDparty1.css'); @import url('/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/DropDownList.MDparty1.css'); @import url('/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/DropDownTree.MDparty1.css'); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Editor.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/FormDecorator.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Grid.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Input.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Label.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/ListBox.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Menu.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/MultiSelect.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/PanelBar.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Ribbonbar.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Rotator.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Slider.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Splitter.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/TabStrip.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/ToolBar.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/TreeList.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/TreeView.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Upload.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Window.Bootstrap.css"); @import url("/App_Skins/Bootstrap/theme/Wizard.Bootstrap.css");
What am I missing? I made several themes and the problem happens with all of them.
One note about the ThemeBuilder. The Bootstrap zip file download has 10 copies of Button.Mytheme.css that seem to be identical.
With the R2 2022 release Telerik added this support via a skin (BlackMetroTouch) but it seems it is limited to a server side setting and can't be done via client side? In particular I'm looking to do this for the RadGrid and change it via a user toggle and not have to make a post back to reload the page. Please let me know if there exists a way to do it at client-side.
We are getting the below error in radG and telRad calender etc.. properties are not working properly in visual studio 2019 4.5 .Net Framework and Telerik.Web.UI 2009.1.402.20 dll is used, when I click any link in grid then just loading not giving result, can anyone please help?
Uncaught Error: Unexpected ajax response was received from the server.Hi
In our application, we have a requirement to implement functionality that allows users to sort the resource column in ascending or descending order via a button placed atop the resource header. Requirement is as shown in below image.
Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve this?
Hi Team,
We are using RadScheduler to display the capacity chart in our application. The scheduler data, including Resources and Appointments, is dynamically retrieved from the database and filtered based on a Start Date and Completion Date. The slots are calculated dynamically according to these date parameters and are set at runtime in the server-side code.
We have observed an issue during data rendering: when the number of slots exceeds 20, appointments appear duplicated in the Timeline View. The issue is illustrated in the attached images.
Could you please confirm if this is a known issue? Additionally, if there is a recommended solution or workaround, we would appreciate your guidance.
Looking forward to your response.
SCENARIO: Appointment appear correctly for 20 slots.
SCENARIO: Duplicate Appointment appear for 21 slots.
Best Regards