We set AllowDeleteRow = true, but this doesn't seem to do anything.
What is the default capability for deleting rows/records in the GridView?
Is there a default 'delete'-button or context menu we can show, or do we need to implement it oursleves? The documentation is quite lacking here...
We want to switch the gridview to german.
This article suggests we have to provide our own translations: Localization - UI for WinForms Documentation - Telerik UI for WinForms
We actually would prefer not to do that...
Are there any default translations we can use? If so, how would we integrate them?
If not; where exactly does the provider class reside in our application, and where do we need to set the CurrentProvider?
I've been looking at the release notes and i can see that a selection checkbox has been added since we last updated which is great. I can also see as per the release notes that there is a "New mode for selecting rows only via the selection checkboxes". Does anyone know how to configure this?
I need to add a RadioButton column to my grid and I adapted the code in this demo to do it:
The difference is I need a single radio button on each row and they need to be mutually exclusive of one another. This part is now working.
Using some sample credit card data, I have 3 challenges that I can't figure out:
1. How can I start the attached project and set the button for the credit card need selected when the form loads?
2. How can I retrieve the selected credit card id value (if any)?
3. I also seem to have a visual bug whereby when I scroll the grid up and down sometimes the button deselects and sometimes it seems to select a second option.
Could you please examine the attached project and let me know what I'm missing?
Objective: get the icon of a file (word,excel,pdf,...)
In L4G, I use the ExtractAssociatedIconA function to obtain a handle for an icon stored as a resource in a file or an icon stored in the executable file associated with a file.
And I associate it with a button using the SendMessageA function.
Example code:
DO i = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(RowObject.com_cha:SCREEN-VALUE,CHR(9)):
VIEW hbutton[i] hfillin[i].
hbutton[i]:SELECTABLE = TRUE.
ASSIGN DisplayName = ENTRY(i,RowObject.com_cha:SCREEN-VALUE,CHR(9)).
IF Filename <> "" THEN
RUN ExtractAssociatedIconA(INPUT 0,INPUT-OUTPUT NomFich,INPUT-OUTPUT IconInd,OUTPUT hIcon).
RUN SendMessageA( hButton[i]:HWND, {&BM_SETIMAGE}, {&IMAGE_ICON}, 0, OUTPUT iOldIcon).
RUN SendMessageA( hButton[i]:HWND, {&BM_SETIMAGE}, {&IMAGE_ICON}, hIcon, OUTPUT iOldIcon).
I want to do the same thing with a RadGridView? I've added an ima column as type GridViewImageColumn and in the :
METHOD PRIVATE VOID GridLien_CellFormatting I'd like to put the image
RUN SendMessageA( e:CellElement:?????? {&BM_SETIMAGE}, {&IMAGE_ICON}, hIcon, OUTPUT iOldIcon).
Can you help me?
Thank you
Hey there!
I've been converting several programs that use 'RadGridView' to'VirtualMode' lately, and yesterday I encountered an issue with one that has template relations. I tried a few approaches, but I can't seem to make it work with the same logic I was using before. However, I did manage to get it working with the 'RowSourceNeeded' event, but it requires me to iterate over the same records more times than I'd like.
Is there another way to achieve this, or is this the only available solution?
I still haven't found a solution to this problem: https://www.telerik.com/forums/cellvalidating-event-question
1. When user inputs an invalid value for a cell, we can use ErrorText to show an error message in the RowHeaderColumn. Normally, the ErrorText will be cleared after the user corrects the value. Sometimes the user will just press Esc key to cancel the input value, in this case the CellValidating event won't get fired and the ErrorText will remain shown on the RowHeaderColumn. This behavior will make the user feel confused.
1. CellValidating event occurs only when a cell value is changed. In case when Esc is pressed, the value remains the same and no validation is needed. However, you can handle CellEndEdit event in this case and reset the ErrorText property.
Private Sub grdURLs2_UserAddingRow(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowCancelEventArgs) Handles grdURLs2.UserAddingRow
If TypeOf e.Rows(0) Is GridViewNewRowInfo AndAlso
TryCast(e.Rows(0).Cells(0).ColumnInfo, GridViewDataColumn) IsNot Nothing AndAlso
TryCast(e.Rows(0).Cells(1).ColumnInfo, GridViewDataColumn) IsNot Nothing Then
If e.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value Is Nothing OrElse
String.IsNullOrEmpty(Trim(e.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value)) Then
e.Cancel = True
DirectCast(e.Rows(0), GridViewNewRowInfo).ErrorText = "Empty!"
ElseIf e.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value Is Nothing OrElse
String.IsNullOrEmpty(Trim(e.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value)) Then
e.Cancel = True
DirectCast(e.Rows(0), GridViewNewRowInfo).ErrorText = "Empty!"
ElseIf e.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value IsNot Nothing Then
For Each row In grdURLs2.Rows
If e.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = row.Cells(1).Value Then
e.Cancel = True
DirectCast(e.Rows(0), GridViewNewRowInfo).ErrorText = "Exists!"
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
txtError.Text = ex.Message & " - " & Format(Now, "HH:mm:ss")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub grdURLs2_CellEndEdit(sender As Object, e As GridViewCellEventArgs) Handles grdURLs2.CellEndEdit
If TypeOf e.Row Is GridViewNewRowInfo Then
DirectCast(e.Row, GridViewNewRowInfo).ErrorText = String.Empty
End If
Catch ex As Exception
txtError.Text = ex.Message & " - " & Format(Now, "HH:mm:ss")
End Try
End Sub
This doesn't work. The CellEndEdit event does not fire.

this.dropDown.MinSize = new Size(150, 30);
I use the following code to group and format the group name.
Private Sub grdURLs2_GroupSummaryEvaluate(sender As Object, e As GroupSummaryEvaluationEventArgs) Handles grdURLs2.GroupSummaryEvaluate
Dim groupRow As GridViewGroupRowInfo = TryCast(e.Context, GridViewGroupRowInfo)
If e.SummaryItem.Name = "col1" Then
If groupRow IsNot Nothing Then
If e.Value IsNot Nothing Then
e.FormatString = e.Value
e.FormatString = ""
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
txtError.Text = ex.Message & " - " & Format(Now, "HH:mm:ss")
End Try
End Sub
Everything works fine until I leave the group field empty. This code works fine with an empty field, but after restarting the program, it adds records with empty fields not to the same group, but creates a new one. After restarting the program, all fields are in the same group. What am I doing wrong and how can I do it right? Thank you!
P.S.: I figured out why this happens.
Then another question arises. How to check cells for empty values ​​when adding a record and not add records with empty cells (continue editing)? Or replace empty values ​​in cells with significant ones and add?